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Thursday, 22 June 2017 06:12

Fascia facts

Was challenged to read a fascia article every day until november 2018. To keep myself 'honest' I decided to summarize every article and make a weekly post with little 'fascia facts'. But I have since discovered that reading isn't the hard part, it's the summarizing. I have therefore decided to only do 3 articles per week until I get better at it.

The first 3 articles, including a definition of fascia:

1. Definition: A fascia indicates a sheath, a sheet or any number of other dissectable aggregations of connective tussue that forms beneath the skin to attach, enclose, separate muscles and other internal organs. The fascial system is a bodyise network of interacting tissues, incorporating force-transmission, sensory functions and wound regulation.

2. Myofascial pain in nickel-sensitive women exposed to nickel alloy underwires in brassieres.

A retrospective chart review of 57 consecutive new female patients at least 14 years of age, treated at a New Jersey, USA,  myofascial pain practice, showed that in 24 of the 57 women, fascial pulls were tracked from the site of pain to palpable and painful adhesions deep to underwire brassiere support wires.

Conclusion: wear nickel-free and/or underwire free brassieres. 

3. Does subtle isometric contraction engage the fascial tissues and can this be help chronic pain.The human body is a tensegrity structure made of compressible and non-compressible parts, so if we stretch our fascia in one area, we must therefore compressing it somewhere else.

Conclusion: stretching and/or isometric contraction (compression) can help release chronic pain.


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