Platypus Pilates

11 Ngaio Gorge Road

Ngaio, Wellington

New Zealand

+64 (21) 168 7424

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Monday, 11 January 2016 06:34

Classes for 2016

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On February 1st, the 8-week block classes will start up again. Same place, same time, same price. The Tuesday 6.30 class, if there's enough interest, will be a Pilates based suspension class, using Rip 60, TRX and/or TRX Rip sticks. This class is physically a bit harder than a pure Pilates Mat-class and is therefor 50 minutes only. 

Some people have asked about a circuit class. In these classes you use each of the 5 pieces of equipment for 10 minutes with matwork in between and warm-up/down at beginning/end. I can only have 3 people in these classes so the fee is slightly higher: $160 per 8-week block/pp.

Hope to see all of you soon. 


More in this category: « Rossiter DROP IN 2016 »